Podcast Episodes

EP 53: Jersey Devil and Other Pine Barren Legends
In southern New Jersey, there are reports of a very strange and unique cryptid. This legendary creature is called the Jersey Devil or Leeds Devil and is said to reside in the Pine Barrens where it has been seen periodically over the last 250 years. In this episode, we will discuss the legend of the Jersey Devil and take a look at several other legends surrounding the Pine Barrens of Southern New Jersey.

EP 52: 4 More “Mostly” True Urban Legends
In part 2 of this series, we will be breaking down 4 more popular urban legends and looking at the story element and history that make them "mostly" true. So, hold onto your kidneys. We’re going on another wild ride.
EP 51: 4 “Mostly” True Urban Legends
So as it turns out, a lot of urban legends are "mostly" true. In part 1 of this series, we will break down 4 popular urban legends and look at the story elements and history that make them "mostly" true. So, check your back seat and join us for a wild ride.

EP 50: Astral Projection
In this episode, we finish our two-part series on psychic abilities. In this episode, we will discuss Astral Projection and Astral Travel, the terms used to describe an intentional out-of-body experience through which someone’s consciousness can travel throughout the astral plane. We will discuss experiences both good and bad, and discuss some places that are said to be blocked from travel such as Area 51.

EP 49: Remote Viewing and Psychic Spying
In this episode, we will start a two-part series on psychic abilities. In this episode, we will take a deep dive into the world of remote viewing. We will discuss the government programs that legitimized this practice and the military applications of remote viewing. We will also look into some of the experiments the government performed and for those who might want to try it, we will discuss the steps of how to remote view.

EP 48: Curses and Other Hollywood Urban Legends
In this episode, we discuss 5 Hollywood-themed curses and urban legends. We will be looking at James Dean and his cursed Porsche 550 Spyder, Valentino’s cursed ring, The Dark Knight curse, Atuk, a movie script and production that has been associated with the deaths of multiple comedic greats, and the curse of Superman.

EP 46: The Greada Treaty
Did President Dwight D. Eisenhower meet secretly with Grey aliens in February 1954? Did he sign a treaty that allowed aliens to experiment on humans in exchange for advanced technology? Well according to conspiracy theorists and ufologists, yes, and it resulted in The Greada Treaty. Join us as we discuss the history, stories, and evidence surrounding one of the strangest treaties the US Government has purportedly entered into.

EP 45: School Spirits 2
In this episode, we are staying in Illinois and delving into part two of our school spirits series. We’re going to be discussing hauntings at Illinois State University, Illinois College, and Illinois Wesleyan University. So sit back and get ready for some ghost stories.

EP 44: Fearsome Creatures of The Lumberwoods
The woods are full of fearsome, bizarre, and strange creatures. We have dug deep and here are 5 of the strangest, most bizarre, and most fearsome that we could find. Are these creatures real or just tall tales told around fires by loggers and woodsmen? Join us are we discuss the Squonk, the Snallygaster, the Hodag, the Slide Rock Bolter, and the Funeral Mountain Terrashot. Oh, and one of these cryptids is explosive.

EP 43: The Montauk Project
How does a WWII experiment to elude Nazi radar tie into experiments in mind control, time travel, interdimensional portals, and a Netflix series? Well, in short, the answer is the Montauk Project. A secret military project that purports that the U.S. military kidnapped children, took them to Camp Hero a military base north of Long Island, tortured them, and conduct illicit and chilling research on them in mind control, time travel, and psychic abilities. Did this really happen? Join us to find out.

EP 42: “Smee” by A.M. Burrage
In this episode, we will be sharing “Smee”, a classic Victorian Christmas horror story. “Smee” was written by A.M. Burrage and published in 1931 as part of a collection in the book “Someone in the Room”.
The story takes place on Christmas Eve and is a story within a story of twelve friends playing a hide-and-seek type game inside a huge dark house when suddenly a mysterious thirteenth player begins to play.

Prairieland Paranormal Terror-byte: Lady Casterlly’s Lights
What could possibly go wrong when a dead neighbors Christmas lights mysteriously show up on her house?

EP 41: The Philadelphia Experiment
The Philadelphia Experiment is an alleged military experiment that was carried out by the U.S. Navy in the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard sometime around October 28, 1943. During the experiment, the U.S. Navy destroyer escort USS Eldridge was reportedly rendered invisible and teleported to Norfolk, Virginia for several minutes before reappearing back in the Philadelphia shipyard. While conspiracy theorists insist that the events actually occurred and were covered up by the US Government, the U.S. Navy maintains that no such experiment was ever conducted.

Prairieland Paranormal Terror-byte: The Tall Static Woman
I was watching some tv when the signal went out and the tv went to static. Though, the static didn’t stay on the tv. It seemed to be escaping the tv engulfing me [and] trancing me…

EP 40: The Missing 411 Phenomenon
In this episode, we will be discussing the Missing 411 phenomenon. Are people disappearing in the woods at an unusual or alarming rate? Yes, according to David Paulides, the mastermind behind the Missing 411 phenomenon. Join us as we delve into the phenomenon as a whole, analyze profile points, discuss cases, explore some of the controversies, and take a detailed look at proposed theories. Is this a real phenomenon or as some believe nothing more than a well-orchestrated but profitable non-phenomenon? Are there paranormal entities or cryptids involved? Why does this phenomena match so well with fairy folklore? Join us as we discuss this and so much more.

Prairieland Paranormal Terror-byte: The Room
Joe worked as a police officer for 32 years and never had anything he would call a “paranormal” experience. That is until his third to last shift before retiring in 2018. When he and another officer encountered a very strange room.

EP 38: Demons Among Us with MR Gorga
In this episode, we will be talking to author MR Gorga about his Amazon #1 Bestseller book Demons Among Us. We will be discussing demons, demonic possession, encounters with black spirits, terrifying nighttime visitations, the true character of lucifer, and how these dark forces influence the world around us. Are you at risk?

Prairieland Paranormal Terror-byte : The Obituary
What happens when your friend dies… but then they didn’t?