“I absolutely do not believe in anything paranormal, but it’s still entertaining/interesting to listen to. I really enjoyed the meat shower episode discussing strange weather phenomena (and the logical explanations).”
Rebecca Jean via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 09/29/21
“You compare Kurt cobaine to John F Kennedy you really need your history examined, pathetic”
Kcummins via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 06/02/21
By Far My Favorite Podcast Right Now!
The hosts are so fun with their presentation of interesting topics! Some of my favorite episodes are Bruce, Hollow Earth & The Mad Gasser of Mattoon. The episode on Black Eyed Kids made me loose sleep for three nights and the Mermaid episode had me giggling with the horrific jokes. I find myself going back and listening to episodes multiple times and I just can't wait until the next episode is released!
LOVE This Show!
“This is a new show on my roster but it's SO good. I love how relatable the hosts are- their back and forth is so natural and they obviously have taken a lot of notes but it doesn't sound scripted. I also love that they have guests on the show to get other perspectives. Definitely subscribe to this show and get some more spooky vibes in your life!”
HolyBuckets via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 04/08/21
Excellent Paranormal Podcast!
This podcast gets better and better and it started at a high level of quality. The hosts are the type of people you’d want to invite round for dinner. The stories are all really well researched, well told and the production quality improves with each Ep.
Johners51 via Apple Podcasts ·Great Britain ·01/24/2021
Great Podcast
“Hey Guys, loving the Podcast so far, I’m in York, England, but not so much the intro and finishing music 😖 tad too long guys and a bit loud and annoying when I can’t immediately switch it off, that’s the only criticism, sorry guys! Keep up the creepiness 💕”
ZoeGray17 via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 11/08/20
I Can’t Wait!!!
“I always look forward to the next episode and I can hardly wait for it! Thanks for a great podcast! The co-host, Jessica, was my best friend in High School and Jr. High, so it’s fun listening to her and remembering our fun times as well!”
Laurie 😉 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 10/24/20
New Favorite
“Ok this review is probably going to come off weird but I’m doing it anyways. No judgment zone. I’ve only listened to the first episode but I know I’m hooked. Mainly because of the no judgment zone. Most supernatural or paranormal podcasts feel either clinical or slightly judgmental to those who believe. This is the opposite. Both hosts are personally connected and invested and feel like they care and I trust them. The weird part of this review is that I don’t know if they’re parents, but if they are or intend to be, I know they’ll be amazing. They’re warm and kind and interesting and I feel a sense of safety listening to them almost as if they’re my surrogate parents. All in all, very dynamic and compelling and I’m glad I found it.”
Joe483858 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 10/22/20
Great Podcast
“This podcast is EXTREMELY well written and the back & forth of the 2 hosts really increases the sense of engagement! Audio quality is great. Honestly one of my new favorites! Overall, excellent podcast that I HIGHLY recommend. You can really begin to feel like you KNOW the hosts and that is a great thing! I hope you guys keep putting out this kind of stuff, because I’ll definitely keep listening!!”
TierBreche via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 10/07/20
Great Podcast
“I don’t even know where to begin. I love how this has an old time radio feel but yet not at all. The sound effects really make you feel like you are there. Brings you in, without distracting from the content. Hosts are amazing! Love their episode topics. I especially loved the Bell Witch episode as I’m a huge fan of the story. Pat GhostlyPodcast”
GhostlyPodcast.com via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 10/02/20
Mysteries in the Midwest
“Eric and Jessica share spooky tales from the Midwest in this fascinating and well produced podcast. I was first attracted by the Hopkinsville goblins episode but soon found myself listening through the back catalogue to hear about more of the spooks of the Prairieland!”
JoolsGTV via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 09/25/20
Very Good Podcast!!
“I’m a new listener to this podcast and so far it’s been very enjoyable to listen to. Very interesting content and the hosts do a great job!!”
Todd Hedges via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 09/22/20
“I was referred here by Hillybilly Horror Stories and I’m so happy. What a great podcast. Keep up the good work. I am looking forward to hearing more. 🌷❤️”
Sheila P- shawn's girl via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 09/21/20
A Must Listen
“We absolutely love these two! Eric and Jess are very likable and have some compelling conversations. I love that they do stories that I’ve never heard of, trust me, that is hard a task considering we have been researching paranormal topics for over 4 yrs. Jerry & Tracy”
HillbillyHorrorStories via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 09/17/20
Supernatural 😁 👻
“This show is a thoroughly researched podcast focusing upon paranormal tales. The show begins with a quick intro (and for the episodes I tried first, a shout out to other shows and social handles) before moving on to the episode content. The two hosts both speak very clearly and take it in turns working through the story, bouncing off each other nicely without any awkward pauses etc. The show is well produced with not only solid audio quality but also backing music, atmospheric sounds and sound effects all included. After presenting the cases, the hosts work over the evidence and explore what other explanations outside the realms of the paranormal there could be before ultimately, letting the listener decide on whether the events are true. Overall, an enjoyable show. If you’re looking for something a little paranormal/supernatural, give this a try!”
But It Was Aliens podcast Kev via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 09/13/20
“Your ability to be so engaging and entertaining is amazing!”
Monster Legend Podcast via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 08/18/20