Podcast Episodes

EP 52: 4 More “Mostly” True Urban Legends
In part 2 of this series, we will be breaking down 4 more popular urban legends and looking at the story element and history that make them "mostly" true. So, hold onto your kidneys. We’re going on another wild ride.

EP 43: The Montauk Project
How does a WWII experiment to elude Nazi radar tie into experiments in mind control, time travel, interdimensional portals, and a Netflix series? Well, in short, the answer is the Montauk Project. A secret military project that purports that the U.S. military kidnapped children, took them to Camp Hero a military base north of Long Island, tortured them, and conduct illicit and chilling research on them in mind control, time travel, and psychic abilities. Did this really happen? Join us to find out.

EP 41: The Philadelphia Experiment
The Philadelphia Experiment is an alleged military experiment that was carried out by the U.S. Navy in the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard sometime around October 28, 1943. During the experiment, the U.S. Navy destroyer escort USS Eldridge was reportedly rendered invisible and teleported to Norfolk, Virginia for several minutes before reappearing back in the Philadelphia shipyard. While conspiracy theorists insist that the events actually occurred and were covered up by the US Government, the U.S. Navy maintains that no such experiment was ever conducted.

EP 40: The Missing 411 Phenomenon
In this episode, we will be discussing the Missing 411 phenomenon. Are people disappearing in the woods at an unusual or alarming rate? Yes, according to David Paulides, the mastermind behind the Missing 411 phenomenon. Join us as we delve into the phenomenon as a whole, analyze profile points, discuss cases, explore some of the controversies, and take a detailed look at proposed theories. Is this a real phenomenon or as some believe nothing more than a well-orchestrated but profitable non-phenomenon? Are there paranormal entities or cryptids involved? Why does this phenomena match so well with fairy folklore? Join us as we discuss this and so much more.

Prairieland Paranormal Terror-byte : The Obituary
What happens when your friend dies… but then they didn’t?

EP 37: Meat Showers and Other Weird Weather Phenomena
The old adage “it’s raining cats and dogs” may not be so far from the truth. While there are no actual accounts of cats or dogs falling from the skies, animals falling from the sky, and other weird weather phenomena are absolutely real. Join us in this episode for a look at some of the weird things that have fallen from the skies.

EP 35: The Oil Pit Squid and Static People - Obscure Stories with The One Candle Society
In this episode, we are joined by Vic and Marcus paranormal investigators, YouTubers, and podcasters. Their shows One Candle Society and Talking With Shadows dive into some truly strange and obscure paranormal phenomena. Join us as we discuss the Oil Pit Squid and Static People and bring some of this phenomenon from obscurity to light.

EP 33: Nibiru and The Anunnaki Ancient Astronaut Theory
Is it possible that humans are the offspring of the Anunnaki, an ancient astronaut traveler, from the planet Nibiru? Zachariah Sitchin thought so. Does the planet Nibiru exist? Where is it now? Is it returning? Is the government covering this up? In this episode, we are going to take a look at one of the wildest creation myths on the market and see if we can find out if humans are the offspring of an ancient interplanetary race of gods and if these gods are returning.

EP 32: Serpents, Rainbows, and Zombie Cucumbers
In this episode, we will be exploring the folklore, legend, and science of real-life zombies. The zombie myth is alive and well in Haitian folklore where shamen and voodoo sorcerers, known as bokor, bewitch the undead and use them as free labor or to carry out nefarious tasks. But is this life reanimated or forced servitude under drug addiction? We’ll discuss the story of Clairvius Narcisse, a man who claimed to be a real-life zombie, detail the process of zombification, and analyze the research of Wade Davis who claimed to have cracked the zombie drug code.

The 27 Club
Is there a statistically significant increase in the deaths of popular musicians, artists, actors, and athletes at the age of 27? Is this a real phenomenon, conspiracy, synchronicity, or nothing more than a modern myth? In this episode, we will attempt to use science and statistics to answer these questions and shed some light on a club that no one wants to be a part of.

EP 29: Spontaneous Human Combustion
In this episode, we will be exploring the phenomenon of Spontaneous Human Combustions. We will discuss some of the nearly 200 cases of people who have mysteriously burst into flames with no apparent cause. We will also share some of the rare cases of people who have survived Spontaneous Human Combustion. Finally, in the post-show, we will look into case similarities and theories.