Podcast Episodes

EP 53: Jersey Devil and Other Pine Barren Legends
In southern New Jersey, there are reports of a very strange and unique cryptid. This legendary creature is called the Jersey Devil or Leeds Devil and is said to reside in the Pine Barrens where it has been seen periodically over the last 250 years. In this episode, we will discuss the legend of the Jersey Devil and take a look at several other legends surrounding the Pine Barrens of Southern New Jersey.

EP 44: Fearsome Creatures of The Lumberwoods
The woods are full of fearsome, bizarre, and strange creatures. We have dug deep and here are 5 of the strangest, most bizarre, and most fearsome that we could find. Are these creatures real or just tall tales told around fires by loggers and woodsmen? Join us are we discuss the Squonk, the Snallygaster, the Hodag, the Slide Rock Bolter, and the Funeral Mountain Terrashot. Oh, and one of these cryptids is explosive.

EP 43: The Montauk Project
How does a WWII experiment to elude Nazi radar tie into experiments in mind control, time travel, interdimensional portals, and a Netflix series? Well, in short, the answer is the Montauk Project. A secret military project that purports that the U.S. military kidnapped children, took them to Camp Hero a military base north of Long Island, tortured them, and conduct illicit and chilling research on them in mind control, time travel, and psychic abilities. Did this really happen? Join us to find out.

EP 40: The Missing 411 Phenomenon
In this episode, we will be discussing the Missing 411 phenomenon. Are people disappearing in the woods at an unusual or alarming rate? Yes, according to David Paulides, the mastermind behind the Missing 411 phenomenon. Join us as we delve into the phenomenon as a whole, analyze profile points, discuss cases, explore some of the controversies, and take a detailed look at proposed theories. Is this a real phenomenon or as some believe nothing more than a well-orchestrated but profitable non-phenomenon? Are there paranormal entities or cryptids involved? Why does this phenomena match so well with fairy folklore? Join us as we discuss this and so much more.

EP 36: Latin American Folkore
In this episode, we will be taking a journey south of the border to explore 5 terrifying tales of Latin American folklore. Join us as we discuss La Llorona, El Chupacabra, La Ciguapa, El Sibon, and El Cucuy. When it comes to folklore Latin America knows how to do it right and these tales or wailing, whistling, and wandering entities are sure to fright.

Prairieland Paranormal Terror-byte: Terry Was A Monster
Death-row is full of monsters, but sometimes justice is served by…a bigger monster.

EP 35: The Oil Pit Squid and Static People - Obscure Stories with The One Candle Society
In this episode, we are joined by Vic and Marcus paranormal investigators, YouTubers, and podcasters. Their shows One Candle Society and Talking With Shadows dive into some truly strange and obscure paranormal phenomena. Join us as we discuss the Oil Pit Squid and Static People and bring some of this phenomenon from obscurity to light.

Prairieland Paranormal Terror-byte: The Runner
Working in a gym should be fun. That is unless you’re being stalked by someone who died there.

EP 34: The Wendigo
The Wendigo is a supernatural being belonging to the spiritual traditions of the Algoquuain tribes of the First Nations in North America. Wendigos are powerful monsters that stalk, kill and eat people. For reference, think werewolf on steroids. They are stronger than a grizzly bear, run faster than any human being, and the real bad news is that human flesh is its favorite kind.

EP 33: Nibiru and The Anunnaki Ancient Astronaut Theory
Is it possible that humans are the offspring of the Anunnaki, an ancient astronaut traveler, from the planet Nibiru? Zachariah Sitchin thought so. Does the planet Nibiru exist? Where is it now? Is it returning? Is the government covering this up? In this episode, we are going to take a look at one of the wildest creation myths on the market and see if we can find out if humans are the offspring of an ancient interplanetary race of gods and if these gods are returning.

Prairieland Paranormal Terror-byte: The Ride
Unexpected travel delays can be…deadly. The Ride is provided by Reddit user u/AlexHix19.

EP 28: Near-Death…The Experiences
In this episode, we will be sharing some stories of people who have experienced death and came back. Some of these stories are beautiful and enlightening, while others are terrifying and hellish. Some of the themes that will be discussed in this episode include traumatic deaths, drowning, illness, molestation, suicide attempts, spousal abuse, and drug overdose. If any of these themes might be distressing to you we would invite you to skip this episode. Otherwise, join us for a journey into exceptional near-death experiences.

EP 26: Mermaids, Merfolk, and Other Aquatic Humanoids
The world is 71% water and new aquatic species are being discovered every day. Why not mermaids? Stories from all around the world say they exist. Do they? We are going to take a detailed look into the history, folklore, and legends of these creatures, and share some really interesting first-hand experiences, including one from Christopher Columbus. Oh! And we are also going to discuss mermaid sex.

EP 21: Black Eyed Kids
Black Eyed Kid accounts have exploded all over the internet since Brian Bethel’s account in 1996. Are these accounts true, or are they purely urban legend and internet lore? Both innocent and predatory, this episode will explore the phenomenon and attempt to answer the ultimate question. Are Black Eyed Kids real?

Prairieland Paranormal Presents: Sinister Suite-Hearts
In this bonus episode we are going to introduce you to a podcast we personally listen to and love. Hosts Heather and Krysten, are two former college suite-mates who bonded over the creepier things in life. From conspiracy theories, cryptids, haunted hotspots, UFOs, urban legends, and true crime. They are going to show you that all 50 states have a sinister side.

EP 17: The Halloween Carnival of Horrors
The Prairieland Paranormal Podcast Presents: The Halloween Carnival of Horrors. A collection of haunting tales told by our friends and fellow paranormal podcasters. Featuring Prairieland Paranormal Podcast, Cryptids Podcast, I Have A Strange Story, The Matrix Has You, Paraunity Podcast, Paranormal Podcast We Listen To, Monster Legends Podcast, Walking The Shadowlands, Stories of Strangeness, Great American Urban Legend, and The Spooky Tales Podcast.

EP 16: Campfire Spooky Tales
The Prairieland Paranormal Podcast Presents: Campfire Spooky Tales. A collection of spooky tales told by our friends and fellow Paranormality Podcast Network Members. Featuring Prairieland Paranormal Podcast, Cryptids Podcast, I Have A Strange Story, Sinister Suite-Hearts, The Matrix Has You, Paraunity Podcast, and Paranormal Podcast We Listen To. Sit back, throw another log on the fire, and enjoy!

EP 14: The Pope Lick Monster and Other Goatman Legends
Louisville Kentucky is the home of a legendary creature, a creature that has come to be known as the Pope Lick Monster. This creature is part man, part goat, and is rumored to lurke on the train trestles over Pope Lick Creek. One of the things that makes this frightening cryptid so unique is its kill count. There have been at least 12 deaths upon the tressels since 1968, all attributed to creatures' supernatural abilities to lure people onto the tracks. While this is the most popular Goatman legend it is not even close to being the only one. In this episode we will discuss the myths, legends, and folklore associated with The Goatman.

EP 08: The Hollow Earth Theory
In this episode we will take a deep dive directly into the center of the Earth and discuss The Hollow Earth Theory and how it may play a role in the paranormal and the unusual. To do this we will discuss the history and science behind the theory, and highlight the stories of Olaf Jansen and Admiral Richard E. Byrd who have both claimed to have journeyed to the center of the Earth. If ture, their experiences shed a lot of insight into UFOs, cryptids, lost civilizations, and government conspiracy.

EP 02: The Mysterious and Massive Thunderbirds of the Midwest
In this episode we discuss the legend and lore of the Thunderbird. We share Native American tradition, dive into witness accounts, examine the Marlon Lowe abduction, and consider possible culprits.