Podcast Episodes

EP 50: Astral Projection
In this episode, we finish our two-part series on psychic abilities. In this episode, we will discuss Astral Projection and Astral Travel, the terms used to describe an intentional out-of-body experience through which someone’s consciousness can travel throughout the astral plane. We will discuss experiences both good and bad, and discuss some places that are said to be blocked from travel such as Area 51.

EP 49: Remote Viewing and Psychic Spying
In this episode, we will start a two-part series on psychic abilities. In this episode, we will take a deep dive into the world of remote viewing. We will discuss the government programs that legitimized this practice and the military applications of remote viewing. We will also look into some of the experiments the government performed and for those who might want to try it, we will discuss the steps of how to remote view.

EP 43: The Montauk Project
How does a WWII experiment to elude Nazi radar tie into experiments in mind control, time travel, interdimensional portals, and a Netflix series? Well, in short, the answer is the Montauk Project. A secret military project that purports that the U.S. military kidnapped children, took them to Camp Hero a military base north of Long Island, tortured them, and conduct illicit and chilling research on them in mind control, time travel, and psychic abilities. Did this really happen? Join us to find out.

EP 12: Prophecy, Scrying, and Divination
In this episode we dive into the history and the techniques of divination. We will specifically discuss water scrying, crystal gazing, pendulum divination, seer stones, and dowsing and relate their uses by famous practitioners such as The Druids, Nostradamus, John Dee, and Joseph Smith, Jr. We will also discuss both the society and cultural perception of deviation, both positive and negative.