Podcast Episodes

EP 53: Jersey Devil and Other Pine Barren Legends
In southern New Jersey, there are reports of a very strange and unique cryptid. This legendary creature is called the Jersey Devil or Leeds Devil and is said to reside in the Pine Barrens where it has been seen periodically over the last 250 years. In this episode, we will discuss the legend of the Jersey Devil and take a look at several other legends surrounding the Pine Barrens of Southern New Jersey.

EP 44: Fearsome Creatures of The Lumberwoods
The woods are full of fearsome, bizarre, and strange creatures. We have dug deep and here are 5 of the strangest, most bizarre, and most fearsome that we could find. Are these creatures real or just tall tales told around fires by loggers and woodsmen? Join us are we discuss the Squonk, the Snallygaster, the Hodag, the Slide Rock Bolter, and the Funeral Mountain Terrashot. Oh, and one of these cryptids is explosive.

EP 26: Mermaids, Merfolk, and Other Aquatic Humanoids
The world is 71% water and new aquatic species are being discovered every day. Why not mermaids? Stories from all around the world say they exist. Do they? We are going to take a detailed look into the history, folklore, and legends of these creatures, and share some really interesting first-hand experiences, including one from Christopher Columbus. Oh! And we are also going to discuss mermaid sex.

EP 06: The Little Folk of The Woods
Stories of leprechauns, fairies, brownies, gnomes, trolls, pixies, and goblins have intrigued people for centuries. With most of these stories originating in Europe some might assume that North America is barren to these tales. Does North America have stories of little folk?

EP 02: The Mysterious and Massive Thunderbirds of the Midwest
In this episode we discuss the legend and lore of the Thunderbird. We share Native American tradition, dive into witness accounts, examine the Marlon Lowe abduction, and consider possible culprits.