EP 53: The Jersey Devil and Other Pine Barren Legends
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In part 2 of this series, we will be breaking down 4 more popular urban legends and looking at the story element and history that make them "mostly" true. So, hold onto your kidneys. We’re going on another wild ride.
So as it turns out, a lot of urban legends are "mostly" true. In part 1 of this series, we will break down 4 popular urban legends and look at the story elements and history that make them "mostly" true. So, check your back seat and join us for a wild ride.
In this episode, we finish our two-part series on psychic abilities. In this episode, we will discuss Astral Projection and Astral Travel, the terms used to describe an intentional out-of-body experience through which someone’s consciousness can travel throughout the astral plane. We will discuss experiences both good and bad, and discuss some places that are said to be blocked from travel such as Area 51.
In this episode, we will start a two-part series on psychic abilities. In this episode, we will take a deep dive into the world of remote viewing. We will discuss the government programs that legitimized this practice and the military applications of remote viewing. We will also look into some of the experiments the government performed and for those who might want to try it, we will discuss the steps of how to remote view.
In this episode, we discuss 5 Hollywood-themed curses and urban legends. We will be looking at James Dean and his cursed Porsche 550 Spyder, Valentino’s cursed ring, The Dark Knight curse, Atuk, a movie script and production that has been associated with the deaths of multiple comedic greats, and the curse of Superman.
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“For the blindness of the sons of men, all unaware as they are how full the earth is of strange and invisible beings and hidden dangers, which could they see they would marvel how they themselves can survive on the earth”
In southern New Jersey, there are reports of a very strange and unique cryptid. This legendary creature is called the Jersey Devil or Leeds Devil and is said to reside in the Pine Barrens where it has been seen periodically over the last 250 years. In this episode, we will discuss the legend of the Jersey Devil and take a look at several other legends surrounding the Pine Barrens of Southern New Jersey.